Entropia Mentor is

site which will guide you through the game, to teach you how to survive with minimum PED, and also to provide you with free items, free events and all knowledge that you will need while playing entropia universe, you just need to go to forum and register, participate in events and play successfully.
If you wish to have a mentor from our site, from the list of available ones, submit mentor request in mentor request section. Thank you and enjoy your stay.


Here is something from alice-s guide about mentors:

A Mentor is a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. They teach their disciples, train their disciples, and watch their disciples grow. EU offers many mentors that are experienced players.

So you've arrived on Calypso. You've created your avatar. You probably have a lot of questions. Well Entropia has a system designed specifically for this. The advanced players will be able to answer questions for you and become your mentor. That means they will take you under their watch, answer all your questions and guide you through the game.

What is a mentor?

A mentor is another avatar that is there to provide information, answer your questions and guide your through the game. In order to be a mentor an avatar needs to have a certain amount of skills which means that a mentor should be more experienced than you (someone who is just starting out). The mentor's job is to make sure you don't perform inexperienced actions throughout the game, like buying overpriced items, or using weapons that are beyond your skill levels. A lot of mentors will show you how to get to several cities and outposts throughout the game and give your the locations of any other important destination. Some mentors are dedicated enough to even run with you to these locations and clear the way, however that is quite rare considering these runs usually take up hours of time and these players have other things they need to be doing.

What is mentor for?

A mentor is not there to give you any free items(even though this page will provide ya free items). They're nice people who will help you, but they're not Robin Hood. They may not give you free stuff, but they'll surely give you tips on getting the best deals in the game and some will even sell you items from their personal stash for a reduced price.

There are a people out there who call themselves "professional disciples" who look for experienced and rich mentors to give them free items just to dump them later on and move on to another mentor. People like these are the reason why good mentors will probably not give you any free items anymore. But then again, if they do, then they're probably really trust-worthy people and you're lucky to have found them.

Another reason is that a lot of people quit when they don't like the game, which is understandable, but the items and cash given to them is lost and if you have several disciples, as a mentor you end up losing a lot of items. About 90% of people and disciples quit the game before they've completed even 5% of their training. So if you're planning on getting anything from your mentor, it's a good idea to play the game for a while first and give them reason to believe that you intend to stay. Mentors have the ability of remotely tracking your skill progression, so they'll know when you've been playing a lot or when you haven't done anything.

The mentor's goal is to make sure you can become independent and answer your own questions and solve your own problems. MOST MENTORS ON THIS SITE WILL BE AVAILABLE 24/7 FOR YOU.

Also here mentors are going to teach you best they can how can u survive with minimum ped, make profit and stay in-game for long time. Off course it is not easy, it will take really hard work and patience, in case you dont have patience and hard work... your not best choice for this game..... that is off course if you came to make profit and have some fun along. If ur millionare and you can print money, be my guest to spend it however you wish :)